NOx, SOx exhaust gas treatment

Pollutants are treated by flue gas desulfurization (SOx reduction) and selective catalytic reduction (NOx).

Emissions are gradually becoming a threat, causing many consequences for the environment as well as human health. In addition to natural emissions, some emissions such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur (NOx, SOx) arising from the fuel combustion process are listed as extremely toxic emissions with great harm, being the main cause of the greenhouse effect and acid rain.

To limit the emission of this type of gas, KPTCHEM provides solutions using chemical products such as liquefied ammonia, NH4OH, NAHCO3, etc. in the treatment tower system (SNCR and SCR) to absorb and remove, preventing this toxic gas from being released into the environment. With a diverse and sustainable supply of products, KPTCHEM has been and will be accompanying customers and partners to build and develop the goal of sustainable and environmentally friendly production.

NOx, SOx exhaust gas treatment

Sulfuric Acid - H2SO4 (40% - 60% - 98%)

Sulfuric Acid - H2SO4 (40% - 60% - 98%)

  • CAS No.: 7664-93-9
  • Unit: Kgs
  • Packaged: Tank truck from 10 tons, IBC tank 1,000L.
  • Origin: VietNam

Liquefied Ammonia (NH3)

Liquefied Ammonia (NH3)

  • CAS No.: 7664-41-7
  • Unit: Tấn/kg
  • Packaged: Bồn, xe bồn, chai
  • Origin: Việt Nam

Ammonium Hydroxide - NH4OH (15 to 30% or Be)

Ammonium Hydroxide - NH4OH (15 to 30% or Be)

  • CAS No.: 1336-21-6
  • Unit: Liter/Kg
  • Packaged: Can, drum, IBC tank
  • Origin: VietNam

Urea - (NH2)2CO

Urea - (NH2)2CO

  • CAS No.: 57-13-6
  • Unit: Tons/kg.
  • Origin: Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia, China, etc.
  • Nitrogen Content: Min 46%.
  • Biuret: Max 1%.
  • Moisture: Max 0.5%.
  • Granule Size: Min 90% (2mm - 5mm).
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