Industrial chemicals

Industrial chemicals play an essential role across various industries, from food processing to pharmaceutical manufacturing, wastewater treatment, and electronics production.

Industrial chemicals are indispensable across various industries, from food processing to pharmaceutical production, wastewater treatment, and electronics manufacturing. They help optimize production processes, ensure the quality of the final product, and protect the environment.

KPTCHEM is a leading provider of industrial chemicals, including ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH), sulfuric acid (H2SO4 98%), urea ((NH2)2CO), and hydrochloric acid (HCl 31%), etc. We are committed to delivering high-quality products and professional consulting services, ensuring safe and efficient production processes. Our team of experienced technicians is always ready to assist customers in optimizing chemical use, from recommending suitable solutions to providing technical support during implementation. We are dedicated to partnering with businesses to enhance production efficiency, reduce costs, and protect the environment.

Industrial chemicals

Sulfuric Acid - H2SO4 (40% - 60% - 98%)

Sulfuric Acid - H2SO4 (40% - 60% - 98%)

  • CAS No.: 7664-93-9
  • Unit: Kgs
  • Packaged: Tank truck from 10 tons, IBC tank 1,000L.
  • Origin: VietNam

Ammonium Hydroxide - NH4OH (15 to 30% or Be)

Ammonium Hydroxide - NH4OH (15 to 30% or Be)

  • CAS No.: 1336-21-6
  • Unit: Liter/Kg
  • Packaged: Can, drum, IBC tank
  • Origin: VietNam

Urea - (NH2)2CO

Urea - (NH2)2CO

  • CAS No.: 57-13-6
  • Unit: Tons/kg.
  • Origin: Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia, China, etc.
  • Nitrogen Content: Min 46%.
  • Biuret: Max 1%.
  • Moisture: Max 0.5%.
  • Granule Size: Min 90% (2mm - 5mm).

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